Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I would like share a couple of thoughts on the previous article posted on my blog in regards to the F-bomb used in the church. I will present them in bullet point because I'm having a hard time organizing my thoughts coherently. As far as the link is concerned, sorry, there must be a glitch that won't let you just click on the link for this article. Try to copy and paste it in the address box or type it in manually.
  • It would just be plain easier to say no to this woman and draw a line in the sand in regard to saying the F-bomb in church. I commend the pastor for even entertaining this idea.
  • The F-bomb has evolved from a mere sexual reference to more commonly used as an adjective or adverb.
  • I think using this word in a church setting hinges on the demographics of a church i.e., young, old, children, socioeconomic status, etc.
  • I hear many times the reference to the Bible verse explaining let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. It is not my intention to be snide when I say this, but who determines what is unwholesome talk? Using the f-bomb to describe as a sexual act is to me derrogatory and demeaning to the whole sanctity of sex, but I am completely comfortable hearing it in everday language.
  • Could the real authenticity of this woman's poem, the emotion, anger, and pain, be conveyed any other way? In this instance, I don't think so.
  • I have used the f-bomb plenty of times before. Do I use it now? It does come out occasionally. Does that mean I am against it being used? Not necessary. I didn't grow up in a family where it was used at all, therefore I don't intend to use it in my vocabulary. For some people the f-bomb was used in the home as much as they eat food; frequently, everyday.
  • My brother asked a great question, "Does it add value?" Great question. In a specific context, yes it does.
  • I believe the pastor of this flock took every precautionary measure and took a calculated risk. I think he did a great job. There are three more parts to this article/blog and can be found at the link I provided before on the right side of the page. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

How did I know that would get your attention! Here's an article brought to my attention from my friend Mike. Very interesting. Deals with saying f@ck in a church setting. Would love to hear some feedback on this one. I'll leave mine very shortly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Here's a recent excerpt taken from an email conversation I've been having with my brother. Interesting take on how the church is supposed to love each other in the church. I always hear the position of 'we need to love those outside the church'. Gave me insight, hope it gives you some.
The whole conversation really revolves around one question: “What is the church?”

Biblically the word church in the greek is ekklesia, which is broken down into two parts, “klesia” meaning “called” and “ek” meaning “out”. So the word ekklesia or church means “called out ones”. And biblically it’s broken down by location, “the church in . . .” So the the church is the Christians in a given locality. What locality? Well in the bible there are three: universal, city, and house. Everyone, everywhere, for all of time that has put their faith in Christ is born into the universal church that we are all a part of. All the Christians in west bend are the “church in west bend” and within the church of west bend are Christians “who meet in homes”. Those are the only three breakdowns in the bible. If you find any others, let me know. We may make other distinctions but I believe God only sees those three.

And I’ll leave you with one last food for thought. . . I believe that the church is supposed to be more focused on love for each other than love for the lost, or rather that radically committing yourself in love for other Christians is the best way to love the lost, because the love between each other is the most attractive, drawing thing and the way God always meant it to be. Now days we add to our number, or a building, or a program, or a website adds to our number. In the book of acts it says that “God added to their number, daily those who were being saved.” We commit ourselves in selfless love to each other and God adds to our number. I think one reason we don’t is because it costs far less to put on a service and get things like charismatic personalities, good multi media presentations, cutting edge music, and a good children’s program than it does to have the character to live daily in love with people.
Am I missing something here?
Way to go U.S.!!!! (insert sarcasm)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

What a night!
Saw a former president!
Witnessed a close friend naked in a tub!
Shat in Mitchell's car!
Had a beer!
Could the night get any better?
Here are some great links. I'll leave a brief description for each one. Pass them along if you feel they are noteworthy.
  1. A great article discussing the idea of those that come to church to "be served" compared to "serving" as well as the idea of not attracting to Chrisitians to your church.
  2. Philip Yancey wrote this article dealing with implications of being labeled an 'evangelical' and how this title alone may play into delivering a Biblical message to friends.
  3. Interview of Rob Bell from Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, MI.
Political Acceptance Speech
Well - - We did it!
Thank you...
This campaign was about proving something to the people of this state...
We proved that you wanted to get big government off your back once and for all!
We proved that you wanted something done about the problems of immigration!
And we proved that a grown, claiming he represented the people of his home state, would drop his pants and bend over for any corporation with a lobbyist and a checkbook!
More important...
We proved that we could write laws that would directly benefit those corporations at the expense of the less affluent...
...And vote that legislation into law without letting the public know!
Yes! Thank you!
We couldn't have done it without the slickly-assembled attack ads that distorted my opponent's record and cast doubt on his personal behavior...
or the major news media, whom we routinely intimidated by calling them "liberal"...
But most of all, we couldn't have done it without you, the people of this great state!
You cynical, apathetic, ignorant, beaten-down sheep!
If there's one thing I've learned about you, the American people --
--it's that you--
--fear change!
That's why, as your senator, I've used carefully-crafted catchphrases -- like "family values" and "hiring quotas" and "fiscal responsibility" and "global competitiveness"...
...because they suggest my concern while barely concealing my contempt for every single one of you!
You know there are some people who have nothing better to do than tear down this great nation that you believe in!
But during my years in the senate, I've learned one important thing...
With enough time and money, you can manipulate the American people into accepting just about anything!

(Disclaimer: Relax, applies to both sides.)

Adapted from a comic book entitle "U.S.", written by Steve Darnall and Alex Ross, distributed by DC comics.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I think its safe to say I have become somewhat bitter towards the Republican party. And I think I have some valid reasons for this.
Delay, Frist, Libby. What do they all have in common? They all serve the conservative agenda, and all have been federally indicted or are being investigated. I know, I know, innocent till proven guilty, right? Well, from what I know about this party (or agenda) is that they espouse Christian virtues yet conspire to drag people's names through the mud, funnel money to their campaigns, and do what whatever they can to maintain and expand power. In my eyes, if you claim to be a Christian, and you are in politics, your name should never, I REPEAT, NEVER, be even hinted in these investigations.
Now I know the Democratic party is not without fault. Lip service is paid to religion and a god, specifically during election years. But we all know that it is just that; lip service to garner more votes, which is wrong. But the other party (or agenda) actually used rhetoric that coincides with an evangelistic fervor. Almost as if they actually believe what they are saying. Which is very dangerous. Acknowledging God with their lips, but their hearts being far from Him is not a place I ever want to be; or my leaders to be.
I've heard the argument recently that I should the policy, not the person. That's like applying for a new job, you're previous job fired from for stealing from the company, and telling the interviewer that you believe its wrong to steal from a company. And then proceed to present a policy for this new company on how to punish those who do steal.
Or even better, I'm standing before God on my day of judgment, and I tell Him that I believed that He had a lot of really good things to say, and I shared those things with others, but what You said in the Bible was really not for me.
In conclusion, I hold the Republican party on a pedestal, and rightfully so. But they have continually showed a lack of integrity and honesty which has caused their moral superiority to crumble.