Tuesday, June 12, 2007

An Urgency
What if I were to give you appalling statistics of a people group in the world today that are victimized at an alarming rate?
  • The female demographic of this people group is raped and sexually assaulted at 2.5x the rate of the country they are found in.
  • Of the reported rapes and sexual assaults, 86% of the perpetrators are outside of the women's people group.
You would probably announce this as an atrocity, comment that it could only be happening in a war-torn, impoverished, 3rd world country, and then cut the conversation short so you could go to Starbucks before your PTA meeting.

Do you want the answer? I don't know if you do.

These figures pertain to Native American and Alaskan Native women.

Yep, that's right, in our own back yard.

If that weren't enough....

34.1% -- one in three Native American and Alaskan Native women -- will be raped in their lifetime.

thanks for reading,

andy Christo

p.s. source(s) available upon request


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