Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I think its safe to say I have become somewhat bitter towards the Republican party. And I think I have some valid reasons for this.
Delay, Frist, Libby. What do they all have in common? They all serve the conservative agenda, and all have been federally indicted or are being investigated. I know, I know, innocent till proven guilty, right? Well, from what I know about this party (or agenda) is that they espouse Christian virtues yet conspire to drag people's names through the mud, funnel money to their campaigns, and do what whatever they can to maintain and expand power. In my eyes, if you claim to be a Christian, and you are in politics, your name should never, I REPEAT, NEVER, be even hinted in these investigations.
Now I know the Democratic party is not without fault. Lip service is paid to religion and a god, specifically during election years. But we all know that it is just that; lip service to garner more votes, which is wrong. But the other party (or agenda) actually used rhetoric that coincides with an evangelistic fervor. Almost as if they actually believe what they are saying. Which is very dangerous. Acknowledging God with their lips, but their hearts being far from Him is not a place I ever want to be; or my leaders to be.
I've heard the argument recently that I should the policy, not the person. That's like applying for a new job, you're previous job fired from for stealing from the company, and telling the interviewer that you believe its wrong to steal from a company. And then proceed to present a policy for this new company on how to punish those who do steal.
Or even better, I'm standing before God on my day of judgment, and I tell Him that I believed that He had a lot of really good things to say, and I shared those things with others, but what You said in the Bible was really not for me.
In conclusion, I hold the Republican party on a pedestal, and rightfully so. But they have continually showed a lack of integrity and honesty which has caused their moral superiority to crumble.


Blogger Brent Steeno said...

I agree. But I no longer hold anyone on a pedestal besides. Only one human deserves that, Jesus. Both parties are equally corrupt. Both lie, cheat and steal. Nothing gets done in any area because all our politicians are concerned about is getting re-elected. They jocky for votes and do nothing with legislation. I suggest a one time 6 year term for everyone. President on down.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

while i am tempted to agree one hundred percent with the post resently delivered, i wonder what would be the best way to see tackle the current administrations mistakes. while it is hard to see through all the partisan mudslinging, i think it is important to see what it is that as really going on beneath the surface of what we dont see. the pivitol space in history that we are living in calls for those who fear God, to be all the more "wise" and as "cunning as serpants". the current administrations apparant decent into inefective and unproductive policy implementation both domestically and internationaly leaves the door wide open for wasted years untill the next wave of elections in the midterm. to birng another perspective, i think that even with the face of American Diplomacy having two black eyes, (Iraq, and Domestic corruption) the presense of the United States as the global benin hegemon still needs to remain. should we clean up our act? surely, and we must. However we must look into the global long term future of our nation and the globe. It is up to all of us to look into our own hearts and see if the lives we are living are promiting global justice. I think we as Americans, (many of us proclaming Christians) need to look into every aspect of our lives, from the food we eat, (is it the best for our bodies, is it promoting further needless depletion of our earths natural resources, is it promoting fair pay for the workers producing the goods, and our we eating too much only furthering our nations already present health issues due to glutony), cars we drive, (again the same reasons) the way we spend our free time, the luxaries we choose to afford ourselves, and the people we choose to associate with or not associate with (choosing to spend time with people who may not be "like" us in all that we do, or believe in) and the way we carry ourselves, for those who proclaim to be followers of Jesus especially, in our work ethic and our general demeanor toward people. i will now spare you all and stop rambling.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Brent Steeno said...

I think we as christians need to really look into what justice really means. I have a wierd fealing that biblical justice is entirely different then the "social justice issues" that so many of us love to talk about.

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when is anyone but Steeno and I going to post any comments?

7:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My choice in a representative in the last few elections has been the person that I feel has the most integrity. Or in the case of our last pres election I would define that as the least integrity-challenged. My guy lost.

I would rather have someone stand up and disagree with me and then hold true to her causes than agree and then waffle for political expediency.

The issues with the most impact on our lives as US citizens are not the lithmus tests of taxes, abortion and prayer in schools. They are the issues that resolve around making decisions based in integrity. Not forming the facts to fit your already established conclusion(war, global warming, energy crisis, ANWAR drilling), fairness and justice(appreciate the diff between God's and worldly justice, get to that in a bit).

Christians have been duped and hoodwinked by the right(c-o-n-spiwacy, I say), our fears and kneejerk tendencies to impose a moral society have been used against us to push an agenda that, once truth is revealed in 5-20 years, we will be ashamed of.

Our mistake is in feeling that if we could only get people to act right, then they'll be right. The important "right" here is reconciled with God not just outward behavior. But we gloss over that in our power drunken delight in having influence over the nation(Pharisaical crap). We will not glorify God by passing laws that require good behavior.

We're God's soldiers and we've become entangled in civilian affairs. 2Tim 2:4 No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer.

I hope I've pissed somebody off...

11:59 AM  
Blogger Brent Steeno said...

Nice. Your right in part about laws. Laws do not change the hearts of people. God does.

7:24 AM  

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