Thursday, May 04, 2006

Books I have read:
I have made a goal of mine to read 35 books this year. 35 books of QUALITY that is.
Here is where I am at so far. I think its kinda' cool to see sequentially the topics my heart has gravitated towards throughout the year.
(In order since the beginning of the year. If you'd like more information on the titles mentioned, such as the author, feel free to contact me.)
1. Jesus is not a Republican
2. Courageous Leadership
3. A Shaping of Things to Come
4. A Million Little Pieces
5. Organic Church
6. The Younger Evangelicals
7. Good News about Injustice
8. To Own a Dragon
9. Irresistable Revolution
10. Serving with Eyes Wide Open
11. The Next Christendom
12. Confessions of a Reformission Rev.
Currently Reading: Changing the Mind of Missions
Hi Everyone!
I haven't written in a while. Thought I'd bring you up to date on what my wife and I have been up to:
My boss at work is on maternity leave, therefore instead of blogging and surfing the 'net for endless hours I have actually had to work for the past two months.
My wife has been hard at work and being rewarded to her loyalty and sacrifice. She just recently received a promotion as well as a substantial raise.
I had the opportunity in April to go up to the reservation in Montana for a couple of days and go hiking and snowboarding in Colorado. My wife later met me in Estes Park for a wedding. Good times.
I have broken down and have finally joined a small group. It is going well and I enjoy studying the book of Ephesians.
In the summer I will be assisting Dan D. in leading a youth group for Kettlebrook starting in the summer. This summer my wife and I will be heading to the 'rez' again to help build a house as well as install furnaces for some needy people. Michelle's boss has graciously offered do install as well as finance the new furnaces. Thanks Steve! Check out their company on the internet at
My trip to Africa with Tony Tucci is being pushed back to August (tentatively). We are attempting to team up with an organization called bloodwatermission. It has been slow going and we are anxious to solidify plans yet remain patient and open to see what opportunities may arise.
I have been learning to administer grace in how I perceive others, realizing that I am digging my own grave if I continue to remain critical of others decisions and actions. As some of you know, my tongue can be rather devisive and I am learning to listen rather than speak. This involves not being so vocal on my concerns for the church; rather serving and seeing where my strengths and gifts are.
I will attempt to write more in my blog (if anyone cares) and I will talk to you soon.