Just wanted to extend a hearty THANKS to Steve Argue for visiting us in West Bend, Wisconsin. A little background (limited) on Steve. Steve heads up a ministry called http://www.intersectcommunity.com which trains up leaders in the church, and in particular, trains youth leaders alongside their youth groups. Steve also has a blog http://www.alreadynotyet.blogspot.com with some valuable soul searching questions. Be sure to check both out.
Anyways the Kettlebrook leadership had an opportunity to gleam some insight from Steve on what it means for the church to be "missional" as well as some other questions the leadershop had pertaining to church in general.
- Being missional involves being "intentional", "go" rather than "attract".
- We are all part of the grand narrative of the Bible, that we are actually part of Adam's story and Jesus's story, this is merely another chapter.
- Touched on some issues involving leadership, small groups, multiple ministries inside a church.
- What, in particular, do the people of West Bend culturally espouse to. Who is a West Bend person?
- The changing face of an evangelical.
- What works at a particular church that we admire will not necessarily work at our church due to the cultural context in which we find ourselves in.
These are only brief snippits of what our gathering entailed. What was great about this time together was that I hope it forced leaders to think creatively, outside-of-the-box, as to what God has in store for our city. Our time I believe conjured up more questions than answers.
Thank you Steve for your passion, gentle spirit, and for the 'radical tension' that you showed to the leadership of Kettlebrook. Steve is great at asking critical questions and then not answering them himself, because he's is wrestling with these questions as well; not providing a program or one-size-fits-all ministry that we can add to our church. Rather, Steve is saying, 'Look, I have questions too, and maybe we can help each other on the journey'.
Hey Andy and Kettlebrook gang...
The pleasure was all mine. Thanks for taking time to dialogue. Thanks for allowing me the privilege of worshipping with you.
I'll enjoy keeping Kettlebrook on the radar screen!
Is there a schism between the believers at KBC and people outside the church re: Country and Western music("we've got both kinds; country and western")?
Wow, never thought of it and will admit if asked about the relevance of C&W to worship I would have been all for the old school stuff like Hank Williams Snr(we actually had some at KBC a few months ago) but not to excited about the new stuff.
How many people reading this blog would say they are fans of country music? Occassional listeners? Tolerate it but don't seek it out? Can't stand it?
Thanks for your comments AndyM. I am not one for country either, and as a personal preference would not be to inclined to here country every Sunday morning.
I would be more forgiving in terms of which style of music used in worship if it is heartfelt, passionate, and sincere. For KBC to forsake its mode of worship in the hopes of ATTRACTING more people to Sunday morning, no thanks.
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