Friday, January 13, 2006

Donald Miller Interview
Check this out! Great interview. Don talks about homosexuality, politics, errors of the church, and, oh yeah, how could I forget, penguin sex.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read most of the don article and to be honest i had mixed feelings about it. There was somthing that didnt sit right with me in his tone. I have been studying 1st and 2nd timothy a lot lately and dons views of homosexuals in leadership for some reason do not seam to match up with paul's in these letters to Timothy (and Titus) on qualifications for deacons and elders, who in my mind transulates to what we think of now as leaders. I know i hate it to when you read something or listen to something and the only thing that really stays in your mind is the one thing that is sort of the "hot controversial topic" which in this case it would be the homosexuality part. overall i think it is good to be aware of the mistakes christians and the church have made in the past, and in some ways are still making, but i find more and more in my own life and pursuit of God that me energy and time should be focused on learning the word more intenlty and practicing sound doctrine on my own. In this, like it says in Timothy i will seek to set an example for the believers in speach in truth and love. also it is interesting how often paul encourages us to not get caught up in foolish talk or in godless chatter which only leads to further deception. also again from timothy i think we as pursuers of Chirst need to be carefull that as we are constanly learning, and taking in information that we are not like those that paul warned about, who are "always learning but never acknowledging the truth". I am the first to admit that i love a good discussion, and many times it leads nowhere. The caution i proceed with is to press into the word, and restraine from that which will take me away from practicing sound doctrine. If this means less talk about things that may or may not have eternal weight than so be it.

8:10 AM  
Blogger Andy Christophersen said...

Great post Tony! I agree, when I read the interview, something didn't sit with me well either. If a homosexual has repented and turned from his evil ways, by all means be a leader. The same if a man repented of a porn addiction, or cheating workers out of wages. Should we kick them out of community? Absolutely not. Will a reformed homosexual who resists his sexual urges, and resides in obedience to God, have a chance to lead, absolutely.(Sidenote: doesn't so much more go in to leadership? Has the person even been blessed with the ability to lead?) Will it rub people the wrong way? Absolutely. Its very interesting to note that Henri Nouwen subdued his homosexual desires, remained celebate, and honored God with his life. Thanks for your insight Tony!

8:50 AM  
Blogger Andy Christophersen said...

Went off on a tangent and didn't really respond how I wanted to. If a leader in the church is living in sin, I don't care what sin it is, they probably shouldn't be leading, step down, and receive some healing. It seems Don gives homosexuals the exception to the rule in leadership cause they have been so marginalized in the church. Might be harsh, but intially thats what I am feeling. Love you Don.

8:53 AM  

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