I went out to Detroit to visit my parents and sister and to take in a Dave Matthews show (my 16th!). The show was great. 'Christmas Song' is a must to here live. That was Saturday night. Sunday I drove cross-state to Grand Rapids to attend a community of believers that I am very fond of. It's called Mars Hill Church. They have a great teacher by the name of Rob Bell and are on the cutting edge as far as living a life holistically to Jesus. I also had the opportunity to meet a man named Steve in Grand Rapids. Steve is a friend of a friend in West Bend and he invited me to his house after church to share a meal with his family and to hang out. It was awesome.

He really opened my eyes to some thing going on in the world with regards to being a Christian in the new millenium. Steve also (althought indirectly perhaps) showed that its okay to question the status quo when it comes to Christianity; that its healthy to have doubts and to delve deep to find answers for church, faith, etc.
Drove home (Wisconsin) later that afternoon and night. The next night, my wife scored some tickets for the 311 show in Milwaukee. To make a long story short, my friend Michael and watched the show from the stage and then went backstage and got our picture taken with Nick Hexum, lead singer of 311. It was a great weekend. Reminded me of how blessed I am to have opportunities to do things like this.
Keep up the good work » »
This is very interesting site... »
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