Monday, January 16, 2006

Just wanted to let you know what I have been reading up on as of Christmas.

Willis, Clint; Jesus is Not a Republican

Hybels, Bill; Courageous Leadership

Frost, Michael & Hirsch, Alan; A Shaping of Things to Come: Innovation and Mission for the 21st Century Church.

The Willis book was a collection of essays pertaining to the current political trends. The essays that I alligned my convictions with seemed to be few and far between. But it was good to get a different perspective.

Hybels book was a great book on leadership. How do you choose leadership? What should you look for in a leader, etc? Not to big on the whole seeker sensitive church (an attraction of product and program, rather than Jesus) but he knows his stuff when it comes to leadership.

And the most recent book I finished, A Shaping of Things to Come, was AWESOME! Thirty pages into it and I told my wife, this is definitely in my top 10 favorite books, and it didn't dissappoint. If you have an interest in the current state of the Church in the West, pick this book up. The authors suggest radical changes in the church, a complete paradigm shift (attractional church to missional church, hierarchical leadership to apostolic leadership, renewed creativity and imagination in the church).

This book has raised many questions in my mind regarding the church I attend. But has also given me hope that all is not lost.

I am currently reading a book entitled Good News About Injustice by Gary Haugen. I'll let you know how it is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one of the authors of 'Shaping'I am grateful that you have read the book seriously. It is a privilage to factor of your thinking and conversations of faithful Christianity in the West.

All of God's best

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is church something you attend? I recently heard a sermon where the punchline was It's not about going to church, its about being the church. Maybe some of the answers you are looking for would appear as you live out the questions in self-sacrificial service to people who find their way to the church you attend rather than in observing from the sidelines and offering pseudo-intellectual/spiritual correctives.
Nothing is more effective in reforming others than the power of a good example. Perhaps more kingdom-building would get done if we blogged less and reached out and did something for someone who could not reciprocate. It's worth a try! Lk 6: 33-35

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, tell us, unmask yourself so that we may know what a good example should look like. I dont think that Andy is not simply blogging to simply get out of doing good to those "expecting to be repaid in full," nor do I think he is attempting do appear more intellectual or spiritual than he is. Nor do I believe he is standing on the sidlines as a spectator, or even a player waiting to get put in the game for some playing time. He is simply thinking about things, and voicing his questions. And yes the beauty of technology is that there is now far more ways for us to "spur each other on to love and good deeds."

9:29 AM  
Blogger Andy Christophersen said...

Thanks for your comment Mr. Anonymous. But the credibility of your comments falls woefully short when you cannot even reveal who you are.
I wonder how well you really know me. I wonder if know of the conversations I have had recently with people, or the prayers that I have prayed with people. I wonder if you ever have doubted, ever asked questions as to why you do what you do.
Never the less, your comments have hurt me. Not built up, not challenged, but hurt me.
My hope is that next time you choose to speak to someone, you choose your words wisely, realizing that the tongue is a powerful tool to tear men down and build men up. Even if that tongue belongs to someone by the first name 'anonymous'.

Andy Christo

6:17 PM  

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